Components Can't Be Delegates Directly
TL;DR: You can use CKComponentDelegateAttribute
to configure a delegate for a view to proxy delegate methods back to your component.
Components are short-lived, and their lifecycle is not under your control. Thus they should not be delegates or NSNotification
An example: imagine you're showing a UIAlertView
. You might be tempted to make the component the delegate:
@implementation AlertDisplayComponent <UIAlertViewDelegate>{UIAlertView *_alertView;}- (void)didTapDisplayAlert{_alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Are you sure?"message:nildelegate:self ...];[_alertView show];}- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alert didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex{[self updateState:...];}@end
But if the component hierarchy is regenerated for any reason, the original component will be deallocated and the alert view will be left with no delegate.
Instead, use CKComponentController
. Component controllers are long-lived; they persist and keep track of each updated version of your component. You can learn more about component controllers; here's an example of their use:
@interface AlertDisplayComponentController : CKComponentController <UIAlertViewDelegate>@end@implementation AlertDisplayComponentController{UIAlertView *_alertView;}- (void)didTapDisplayAlert{_alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Are you sure?"message:nildelegate:self ...];[_alertView show];}- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alert didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex{[self.component updateState:...];}@end
Another option is to use CKComponentDelegateAttribute
, which will proxy delegate callbacks into the component responder chain.
[CKComponentnewWithView:{[UIScrollView class], {CKComponentDelegateAttribute(@selector(setDelegate:), {@selector(scrollViewDidScroll:),@selector(scrollViewDidZoom:),})}}size:{}] ...
Then in your component, you can implement the delegate methods -scrollViewDidScroll:
and -scrollViewDidZoom: