CKAsyncTransactionContainer Protocol Reference

Declared in CKAsyncTransactionContainer.h

  ck_asyncTransactionContainer required method

@summary If YES, the receiver is marked as a container for async display, grouping all of the async display calls in the layer hierarchy below the receiver together in a single CKAsyncTransaction.

@property (nonatomic, assign, getter=ck_isAsyncTransactionContainer, setter=ck_setAsyncTransactionContainer:) BOOL ck_asyncTransactionContainer


@default NO

Declared In


  ck_asyncTransactionContainerState required method

@summary The current state of the receiver; indicates if it is currently performing asynchronous operations or if all operations have finished/canceled.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) CKAsyncTransactionContainerState ck_asyncTransactionContainerState

Declared In


– ck_cancelAsyncTransactions required method

@summary Cancels all async transactions on the receiver.

- (void)ck_cancelAsyncTransactions

Declared In


– ck_asyncTransactionContainerStateDidChange required method

@summary Invoked when the ck_asyncTransactionContainerState property changes. @desc You may want to override this in a CALayer or UIView subclass to take appropriate action (such as hiding content while it renders).

- (void)ck_asyncTransactionContainerStateDidChange

Declared In
