CKAnalyticsListener Protocol Reference
Conforms to | NSObject |
Declared in | CKAnalyticsListener.h |
This protocol is being used by the infrastructure to collect data about the component tree life cycle.
– willBuildComponentTreeWithScopeRoot:buildTrigger:stateUpdates:
required method
Called before the component tree creation.
- (void)willBuildComponentTreeWithScopeRoot:(CKComponentScopeRoot *)scopeRoot buildTrigger:(CKBuildTrigger)buildTrigger stateUpdates:(const CKComponentStateUpdateMap &)stateUpdates
scopeRoot |
Scope root for component tree. Use that to identify tree between will/didBuild. |
buildTrigger |
The build trigger (state update or props updates) for this component tree creation. |
stateUpdates |
The state updates map for the component tree creation. |
Declared In
– didBuildComponentTreeWithScopeRoot:buildTrigger:stateUpdates:component:boundsAnimation:
required method
Called after the component tree creation.
- (void)didBuildComponentTreeWithScopeRoot:(CKComponentScopeRoot *)scopeRoot buildTrigger:(CKBuildTrigger)buildTrigger stateUpdates:(const CKComponentStateUpdateMap &)stateUpdates component:(CKComponent *)component boundsAnimation:(const CKComponentBoundsAnimation &)boundsAnimation
scopeRoot |
Scope root for component tree. Use that to identify tree between will/didBuild |
buildTrigger |
The build trigger (state update or props updates) for this component tree creation. |
stateUpdates |
The state updates map for the component tree creation. |
component |
Root component for created tree |
Declared In
– willLayoutComponentTreeWithRootComponent:buildTrigger:
required method
Called before component tree layout.
- (void)willLayoutComponentTreeWithRootComponent:(id<CKMountable>)component buildTrigger:(CK : : Optional<CKBuildTrigger>)buildTrigger
component |
The root component that was laid out. |
buildTrigger |
The build trigger that caused the layout computation Can be CK::none, in case that the layout was computed due to a re-layout measurment. |
Please not that this callback can be called on the same component from different threads in undefined order, for instance: ThreadA, willLayout Component1 ThreadB, willLayout Component1 ThreadA, didLayout Component1 ThreadB, didLayout Component1 To identify matching will/didLayout events between callbacks, please use Thread id and Component id
Declared In
– didLayoutComponentTreeWithRootComponent:
required method
Called after component tree layout.
- (void)didLayoutComponentTreeWithRootComponent:(id<CKMountable>)component
component |
The root component that was laid out. |
Please not that this callback can be called on the same component from different threads in undefined order, for instance: ThreadA, willLayout Component1 ThreadB, willLayout Component1 ThreadA, didLayout Component1 ThreadB, didLayout Component1 To identify matching will/didLayout events between callbacks, please use Thread id and Component id
Declared In
– willMountComponentTreeWithRootComponent:
required method
Called before/after mounting a component tree
- (void)willMountComponentTreeWithRootComponent:(id<CKMountable>)component
component |
Root component for mounted tree |
Declared In
– shouldCollectMountInformationForRootComponent:
required method
Called before mounting a component tree.
- (BOOL)shouldCollectMountInformationForRootComponent:(id<CKMountable>)component
If returns YES, an extra information will be collected during the mount process.
The extra information will be provided back in didMountComponentTreeWithRootComponent
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– willCollectAnimationsFromComponentTreeWithRootComponent:
required method
Called before/after collecting animations from a component tree.
- (void)willCollectAnimationsFromComponentTreeWithRootComponent:(id<CKMountable>)component
component |
Root component for the tree that is about to be mounted. |
Declared In
– didReuseNode:inScopeRoot:fromPreviousScopeRoot:
required method
Called after a component tree’s node has been reused
- (void)didReuseNode:(id<CKTreeNodeProtocol>)node inScopeRoot:(CKComponentScopeRoot *)scopeRoot fromPreviousScopeRoot:(CKComponentScopeRoot *)previousScopeRoot
node |
The tree node that has been reused. |
scopeRoot |
Scope root for component tree. |
previousScopeRoot |
The previous scope root of the component tree |
Warning: A node is only reused if conforming to the render protocol.
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– systraceListener
required method
Provides a systrace listener. Can be nil if systrace is not enabled.
- (id<CKSystraceListener>)systraceListener
Declared In
– shouldCollectTreeNodeCreationInformation:
required method
If returns true, didBuildTreeNodeForPrecomputedChild
will be called for non-render component during the component tree creation.
- (BOOL)shouldCollectTreeNodeCreationInformation:(CKComponentScopeRoot *)scopeRoot
Declared In
– didBuildTreeNodeForPrecomputedChild:node:parent:params:parentHasStateUpdate:
required method
Will be called for every component with pre-computed child (CKCompositeComponent for example) during the component tree creation.
- (void)didBuildTreeNodeForPrecomputedChild:(id<CKTreeNodeComponentProtocol>)component node:(id<CKTreeNodeProtocol>)node parent:(id<CKTreeNodeWithChildrenProtocol>)parent params:(const CKBuildComponentTreeParams &)params parentHasStateUpdate:(BOOL)parentHasStateUpdate
Declared In