CKStatelessComponent Class Reference
Inherits from | CKCompositeComponent : CKComponent : NSObject |
Declared in | CKStatelessComponent.h |
CKStatelessComponent is a component that can be represented with a pure function that takes props and returns component hierarchy. This component adds a string identifier to store the debug information about the calling function
+ newWithView:component:metadata:identifier:
Passed to CKComponent’s initializer.
+ (nullable instancetype)newWithView:(const CKComponentViewConfiguration &)view component:(CKComponent *_Nullable)component metadata:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *_Nullable)metadata identifier:(NSString *)identifier
view |
Passed to CKComponent’s initializer. |
component |
Result component hierarchy generated by the stateless functional component |
metadata |
The metadata to associated with the component. |
identifier |
Debug identifier of the stateless functional component. |
Declared In
+ newWithView:component:identifier:
Passed to CKComponent’s initializer.
+ (nullable instancetype)newWithView:(const CKComponentViewConfiguration &)view component:(CKComponent *_Nullable)component identifier:(NSString *)identifier
view |
Passed to CKComponent’s initializer. |
component |
Result component hierarchy generated by the stateless functional component |
identifier |
Debug identifier of the stateless functional component. |
Declared In