CKComponentController Class Reference

Conforms to *
Declared in CKComponentController.h

– didInit

The controller was initialised. Called on the main thread.

- (void)didInit

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– willMount

The controller’s component is not mounted, but is about to be.

- (void)willMount

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– didMount

The controller’s component was not previously mounted, but now it is (including all of its children).

- (void)didMount

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– willRemount

The controller’s component is mounted and is about to be mounted again. This can happen in two scenarios: 1. The component is updating. In that case, the controller has already received a call to -willUpdateComponent, and the component property already reflects the updated component that will be mounted. 2. The root component is being attached to a different root view.

- (void)willRemount

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– didRemount

The controller’s component was mounted after a call to willRemount.

- (void)didRemount

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– willUnmount

The controller’s component is mounted, but is about to be unmounted.

- (void)willUnmount

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– didUnmount

The controller’s component was previously mounted, but now it no longer is.

- (void)didUnmount

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– willUpdateComponent

If the controller’s component is changing, invoked immediately before the updated component is mounted.

- (void)willUpdateComponent

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– didUpdateComponent

If the controller’s component has changed, invoked immediately after the updated component is mounted.

- (void)didUpdateComponent

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– componentDidAcquireView

Invoked immediately after the component has acquired a view.

- (void)componentDidAcquireView

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– componentWillRelinquishView

Invoked immediately before the component relinquishes its view to be reused by other components.

- (void)componentWillRelinquishView

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– componentTreeWillAppear

As suggested in name, this lifecycle method will only be called when the entire component tree will appear on screen. That means if a component tree has already appeared on screen and it’s still visible, a component that is added to this component tree hierarchy will not have this lifecycle method called. NOTE: - In the context of UICollectionView, this corresponds to willDisplayCell:forItemAtIndexPath:. - In the context of CKComponentHostingView, this corresponds to hostingViewWillAppear.

- (void)componentTreeWillAppear

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– componentTreeDidDisappear

As suggested in name, this lifecycle method will only be called when the entire component tree did disappear. That means if a component is removed from its component tree hierarchy, this lifecycle method will not be called. NOTE: - In the context of UICollectionView, this corresponds to didEndDisplayingCell:forItemAtIndexPath:. - In the context of CKComponentHostingView, this corresponds to hostingViewDidDisappear.

- (void)componentTreeDidDisappear

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– invalidateController

Called on the main thread prior to controller deallocation *

- (void)invalidateController

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– didPrepareLayout:forComponent:

Called on the main thread when a new component has been created and its layout has been calculated. This layout will be used during the next mount (unless another state update will be triggered).

- (void)didPrepareLayout:(const CKLayout &)layout forComponent:(CKComponent *)component

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The current version of the component.

@property (nonatomic, weak, readonly) ComponentType component

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The view created by the component, if currently mounted.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) UIView *view

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– nextResponder

While the controller’s component is mounted, returns its next responder. This is the first of: - The supercomponent of the controller’s component; - The view the controller’s component is mounted within, if it is the root component.

- (id)nextResponder

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– canPerformAction:withSender:

When an action is triggered, a component controller may use this method to either capture or ignore the given action. The default implementation simply uses respondsToSelector: to determine if the controller can perform the given action.

- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender


In practice, this is useful only for integrations with UIMenuController whose API walks the UIResponder chain to determine which menu items to display. You should not override this method for standard component actions.

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– initWithComponent:

Initializes a controller with the first generation of component. You should not directly initialize a controller, they are initialized for you by the infrastructure.

- (instancetype)initWithComponent:(ComponentType)component

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