CKComponentRootView() Category Reference
Conforms to | CKInspectableView |
Declared in | CKComponentRootViewInternal.h |
– setAllowTapPassthrough:
Allow tap passthrough the root view.
- (void)setAllowTapPassthrough:(BOOL)allowTapPassthrough
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+ addHitTestHook:
Exposes the ability to supplement the hitTest for the root view used in each CKComponentHostingView or UICollectionViewCell within a CKCollectionViewDataSource.
+ (void)addHitTestHook:(CKComponentRootViewHitTestHook)hook
Each hook will be called in the order they were registered. If any hook returns a view, that will override the return value of the view’s -hitTest:withEvent:. If no hook returns a view, then the super implementation will be invoked.
Declared In
+ hitTestHooks
Returns an array of all registered hit test hooks.
+ (NSArray *)hitTestHooks
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