CKCollectionViewDataSource() Category Reference

Declared in CKCollectionViewDataSourceInternal.h


The underlying CKDataSource that CKCollectionViewDataSource is holding. @see CKDataSource A new instance of componentDataSource will be created if a new state is set to CKCollectionViewDataSource.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) CKDataSource *componentDataSource

Declared In


– setAllowTapPassthroughForCells:

Allow tap passthrough root view of collection view cells.

- (void)setAllowTapPassthroughForCells:(BOOL)allowTapPassthroughForCells

Declared In


– setState:

Set a new CKDataSourceState and reload data of the underlying collection view. A new instance of componentDataSource will be created.

- (void)setState:(CKDataSourceState *)state

Declared In


– currentState

Access the current state. Main thread affined

- (CKDataSourceState *)currentState

Declared In
